Welcome! Please explore the projects I have built using the following technologies:

All files available at GitHub

1) Face Recognition App

This is my first full-stack project using the React library for the front-end and an image recognition API for functionality. It also utilises a basic server made with node.js as well as a user database via PostgreSQL. Heroku is used as the hosting service. Give it a try!

Click the image or here to view the site.

2) News App

A News API that receives JSON data from several different news outlets which I have converted to a categorized view using javascript DOM manipulation.

Click the image or here to view the site.

3) Shopping List

An interactive shopping list that uses Javascript DOM manipulation to add and delete list items, customised with Bootstap 4.

Click the image or here to view the site.

4) Background Generator

This is a simple gradient generator built using Javascript DOM manipulation and customised with CSS.

Click the image or here to view the site.

5) ...Other projects

I will add further projects as I learn more advanced topics (including another React webapp).